The moment you realize that you have just lost your car keys could be one of the terrifying moments you will ever have. Your mind will go on turmoil as you try to add up several numbers in your head on the towing fees, dealer fees, labor and also cost of the parts. However, you should not panic as there is a cheaper solution through using the services of an automotive locksmith or car key specialist. These professionals will be able to give you a car key replacement service that is equivalent to what your dealer will offer you. There are mobile locksmiths who will come to your aid and make your replacement key in a matter of minutes by just pulling the vehicle identification number and then program it. And if you’re in Colorado, I recommend checking out CO Car Keys when needing a replacement car key. Below are some tips on how you can save money on your car key replacement:
Using Auto Locksmiths
Car locksmiths offer a great alternative to your car dealer as they are able to cut and also recode most of the available modern car keys at just a fraction of the dealership’s cost. Your locksmith will only need to see your car’s vehicle identification number (VIN) before cutting and programming an aftermarket key or an OEM key. You should however, ensure you choose the right locksmiths to avoid paying some hidden fees and also avoid the kind of locksmiths who will try and prey on you due to your desperate situation.
Keeping a Spare Master Key
You should always keep a spare set of your car keys somewhere safe and if you do not have them, then it would be important to have an auto locksmith make you one. Replacing a car key is an expensive affair and losing all your car keys might cause you to be off the road for a while which will cost you money and time. This a very steep price to pay for something that you should carry every day.
Claiming on Your car Insurance
When you lose your car keys or they get stolen, you can be able to lodge a claim with your insurance company to cover the costs you will incur when replacing your keys. There are some policies that cover the cost of getting a spare key too. There are some policies that cover a car hire in the case where you have to wait for sometime before your car kets are shipped in from another country.
Using a Key-Locator Device
If you lose your car keys often, it is advisable to get a key-locator device. These devices are available on the cheap but they can save you a lot of frustration and time wastage as you look for your car keys at home or at work. The device is made in a way that you can easily locate your keys when you cannot see them using your mobile phone and the device will beep or ring whenever it will be. You could also tape your email address on your car keys if you have a habit of losing them in town. You could also include a reward message to whoever finds the keys and returns them to you.
Getting Shockproof and Waterproof Keys
There is often a huge complaint about keys wearing out, breaking or developing various faults. This often results in an operation that is quite expensive especially if you are to involve your car dealership to replace your keys. It would be safer opting to go for a locksmith who will do a superb job at a cheaper rate than the car dealer. If you have an active lifestyle then you ought to consider getting car keys that are water and shockproof. You will be able to save a lot of money in the long run.
Lastly, it is not a myth that modern car keys are very expensive and even more expensive to replace them if you opt for your car dealership to replace them for you. You should always be prepared for the eventuality of your car keys disappearing when you least expect it. You should embrace the boy scouts motto of “be prepared” by having a spare set of keys in a safe place. Ensure you look for a reliable locksmith to get you a good spare key so as to save you from all the time and money lost plus the stress you experience.